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Transfer data from PPMP to Cliniko

Transfer your clinic data from PPMP into Cliniko.

Marcus avatar
Written by Marcus
Updated over 4 months ago

If you're switching to Cliniko from PPMP, then here are the details you’ll need in order to transfer your data into your Cliniko account!

Please note that this data transfer service is a process that we will work on with you—not something that you'll need to do yourself. Please don't import spreadsheets or manually add any information into your Cliniko account before the transfer, as duplication will result when your data comes across from PPMP.

The very first step is booking your transfer date! To avoid delays, please book your transfer date as soon as you can:

Once you've done that, please read through the guide below. It's important to review each section thoroughly, as it outlines your role in the transfer, and what we do for you.

The guide is broken into the following sections:

Getting familiar with Cliniko

For a smooth transition, please ensure that your team has had an opportunity to play around with Cliniko and are familiar with it. The trial is unrestricted, so all features are available to set up and become familiar with. You can change your subscription level as required while trialing, which will let you add more practitioners!

In case it's useful, these training guides might come in handy:

All of our support articles and guides can be found on our help site, too! You can quickly search for anything you’d like help with right here.

All users are encouraged to contact our support team with any questions. We're easiest reached from within Cliniko by clicking Help on the blue sidebar, and clicking Chat with us! If you'd prefer email, you can reach us at

Exporting your data from PPMP

In order for Cliniko to transfer your clinical notes, letters, and patient attachments, you'll need to provide us with a copy of your latest PPMP backup. The process varies depending on which version of PPMP you are using, which we'll cover below.

Note that any data entered into PPMP after export will not be transferred to Cliniko, as it won't be included in the exported data. This data will need to be noted and manually entered into Cliniko after the transfer has been completed.

Your PPMP backups are likely going to be large—generally between 500MB and 10GB, depending on your volume of patients, attachments, clinical notes and so on—and may take hours/days to generate. Once complete, you will need to supply Cliniko with your data, including any passwords associated with accessing the exported files. Only when we have your data in full can the actual transfer begin.

Once you have your exported data, please upload it to your preferred cloud storage service (Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc), and share with us from there. Please do not share using an email address. Contact us for more info or if you have any queries on this process.

At a minimum, please perform your export and upload it to your chosen storage option the day before your scheduled transfer, so that we have time to download your exported database. It's important to have all these steps completed prior to the transfer, as we still require time on the day of transfer to load and prepare your data in our system to then be written into your Cliniko account.

🚨 IMPORTANT: If you have more than 10 years or 10,000 patients of data to transfer, please let us know. This is absolutely fine, but the transfer may take more than a day, and extra allowances will need to be made for this volume of data.

On-premise or hosted PPMP

PPMP is run either as an on-premise system (where you host and run the software yourself on a computer in-house) or as a hosted system (where PPMP stores your data and provides access through remote sessions to the application). Depending on your circumstance, exporting data will differ.

If you are using on premise PPMP, you can create a PPMP backup to share with us. Simply follow this guide from PPMP. This will produce a large ZIP file for you to share with us.

If you are using hosted software, then PPMP will need to perform the backup and export for you. They will supply you with a large ZIP file of your backup data. In case it is useful, here's a pro-forma that you may send to PPMP to organise your data exports:

Dear PPMP,

We are planning to move our practice to another system, and are organising to migrate our PPMP data as part of that move.

In order to do so, could you please provide us with a backup of PPMP, including a database backup, letters, charts, and treatment notes.

We are looking to transfer to the new system on {date for transfer}; could you please advise if these exports will be available by then, otherwise advise of the soonest available date they can be made available?

Kind regards,

As always, please contact us if you have any queries!

Setting up your Cliniko account

There's a bit of setup required in Cliniko prior to the transfer. These are things that we can't necessarily determine or transfer from PPMP, or settings that are specific to Cliniko.

Please ensure the following things are set up as soon as possible:

  1. All required users and practitioners are created,

  2. All sites/locations of your business are set up as Cliniko business locations,

  3. Your time zones have been set correctly (to ensure that appointments get transferred to the right spots), and

  4. Mobile phone numbers have been added to the admin user's account so that we can authenticate prior to transfer.

Other items that are not required prior to transfer, but are not transferred and will need to be set up manually are:

  1. All treatment note templates are created,

  2. All letter templates are created.

Past practitioners

Note that when we transfer appointments, we will need a practitioner assigned to the appointment. This is a little complicated for instances where the practitioner is no longer with you and therefore not in Cliniko. In these cases, please let us know whether you would prefer to assign the appointments to:

  • A generic ‘Former practitioner’ that you create in Cliniko,

  • Another active practitioner in Cliniko, or

  • Exclude them entirely.

Alternatively, you may create all your specific members of staff (past and present) in Cliniko, and we’ll assign all appointments correctly. You can set those former practitioners as inactive, as your Cliniko subscription price is based on the total number of active practitioners.

File attachments

Cliniko limits the volume of patient attachments in trial accounts. To remove this limit, please add your billing details into your account. Your free trial will continue until completion, and your credit card will not be charged until your trial period has expired.

You can quickly search for and find our guides and help articles to assist you with this process on our help site, here.

If you'd like any assistance with getting set up, feel free to contact us! Even if you just have a quick question that you’d like an answer for, we are easiest reached from within Cliniko by clicking Help on the blue sidebar, and clicking Chat with us! You can also click the chat "bubble" at the bottom right corner of this page.

What do we transfer?

Note that no data is removed from PPMP in the transfer process. Data is copied to your Cliniko account. The types of data that are transferred are not customisable.

Transfer to Cliniko will include the following from your PPMP export, and will appear as described in Cliniko:

  • Products

  • Services (billable items in Cliniko)

  • Doctors, address lists (contacts in Cliniko)

  • Clients (inactive and deceased clients are transferred as archived in Cliniko)

  • Appointments (historical and future) and attendance status (arrived or no show)

  • Blockouts/busy blocks (unavailable blocks in Cliniko)

  • Treatment notes (PDF client file attachments in Cliniko)

  • Patient alarms (extra information in client details in Cliniko, or as medical alerts if confidential)

  • Patient charts, letters, and documents (PDF client files in Cliniko)

PPMP doesn't have customisable appointment types related to specific services like Cliniko does. Your appointments coming across from PPMP will be either “New patient” or “Appointment”. Cliniko will create two new appointment types for these appointment types. We'll also try to colour match these to your calendar, so that things will look similar when you start using Cliniko.

Once we’ve finished the transfer, you will need to review your appointment types within Cliniko and finish setting them up (assign practitioners to them, assign colours, relate billable items and treatment note templates, assign reminder and confirmation templates).

Prior to the data transfer, please avoid creating or performing any data imports for:

  • Patients

  • Products

  • Contacts

  • Billable items

We will import all of these as part of the PPMP transfer. If that data is already in Cliniko, it will be duplicated.

What don’t we transfer?

Unfortunately, all financial details are excluded from transfer. There is not a way to import financial data into a Cliniko account. This includes:

  • Invoices

  • Payments

  • Credits

  • Account statements

  • Appointment invoice/payment statuses

If you'd like to record prior payment history or outstanding debts in Cliniko, you can create an opening balance for those patients. This is not considered revenue and will not affect Cliniko's reporting.

In addition, the following items are not transferrable and must be set up manually where needed:

  • Users and practitioners, practitioner reference numbers

  • Businesses locations and settings

  • Expenses and stock sales

  • 3rd party app integrations

  • Communication records

  • Client referring doctor

  • Classes

  • Waitlist data

  • Existing reports

  • Letter templates

  • Patient forms and form templates

  • Communication templates (email and SMS)

Information that we'll need from you

When you book a transfer date, you'll be sent a confirmation email which includes a link to a secure electronic form. This form is where the below information is collected from you. If you miss the confirmation email, another link to the same form will be sent in a reminder email closer to your transfer date. Please let us know if you do not receive these emails.

The following are some questions we need to know to accurately transfer data into Cliniko. If you are unsure of the answer, please seek clarification.

Which Cliniko business location should we use to transfer all PPMP appointments under?

Locations of appointments in PPMP cannot be differentiated, meaning we need to transfer all appointments from your PPMP data into a single location in Cliniko. This can be the location you'll use going forward in your Cliniko account, or if you prefer your appointments to be transferred into a separate location in Cliniko to the location/s you'll be using, please create this location prior to the transfer.

What is the start time of your PPMP diary?
This is not the time you start consultations, but the very first visible time slot in your PPMP calendar.

What are your appointment block/row durations?

e.g. 15 minutes

What is the duration of your new patient appointments?
e.g. 45 minutes

What is the duration of your standard appointments?
e.g. 30 minutes

Are alarms against patients confidential or not?

In Cliniko, should they become notes on a patient visible to everyone, or confidential medical alerts only visible to practitioners and administrators?

Do you have any practitioners in PPMP who are inactive?
If so, we will need to determine what to do with appointments assigned to them. There are a couple of options here:

  1. We can leave those appointments behind and not transfer them into Cliniko.

  2. You can create all your inactive practitioners in Cliniko, and we can assign appointments to the correct practitioner. You can make these practitioners inactive in Cliniko prior to transfer, so they do not contribute to your subscription plan.

  3. You can elect one or more other practitioners in Cliniko to assign those appointments to (e.g. use an existing practitioner, or create one practitioner named “Old PPMP practitioner”, or similar). You'll just need to tell us which practitioner/s in PPMP you want mapped to which practitioner/s in Cliniko.

Accessing your Cliniko account

In order to access your new Cliniko account and write your data to it, we’ll need your Cliniko URL and an API key.

Cliniko URL

Your URL can be found in your browser address bar when you're logged in to Cliniko, and will look something like This is required so that we may be sure we’re transferring data to the correct account.

Cliniko API key

Please log in to your Cliniko account to generate the API key. You'll need to be logged in as an administrative user who is also a practitioner so that the API key generated has the required data access permissions. Please also see our guide on generating a Cliniko API key.

To have the correct permissions, the API key must belong to a user who is also a practitioner. Please do not give us an API key for an administrator that is not also a practitioner.

Your API keys are like passwords, and must be handled with care. It's very important that this information is transmitted to us securely. When you book a transfer date, you'll be sent a confirmation email which includes a link to a secure electronic form. This form is where you can safely communicate your API keys and other information to us. If you miss the confirmation email, another link to the same form will be sent in a reminder email closer to your transfer date. Please let us know if you do not receive these emails.

Administrator mobile numbers

We’ll also need to do some verification of an account administrator to get the final go-ahead to access the account and load data, so please ensure a mobile numbers are included in user's profiles so we can send a verification code to the required user.

On the day of the transfer

As a reminder, obtaining and uploading your PPMP backup will take time, and transfer into Cliniko cannot start until your backup is shared with us and we have downloaded it. If this process is only able to start on the morning of transfer, your actual transfer may not commence until much later in the day. Please schedule your backup and upload to be completed the day prior to your transfer.

Please ensure you are contactable on the day of the transfer. While we shouldn’t need to hassle you much on that day, we may need to contact you if some of the required information or set up is incomplete. If we can’t get in touch with you, we can wait, but this may result in your transfer being delayed.

Transfers are usually performed between 8am and 3pm AEDT, Mon-Fri. We’ll get started on the morning of your booking and let you know when we are done. If it looks like things will take longer than the booked day, we’ll be sure to reach out and keep you informed of the progress.

When the transfer is completed, you’ll be able to use your data within Cliniko immediately.

If there’s anything you’d like to confirm or discuss prior to transfer, please do let us know - we’re here to help!

The final checklist

Having all of this done before the transfer takes place is super important. Please be sure that each item on these lists has been checked off prior to your transfer date!

Please be sure that you have completed the following:

  • The data transfer date has been booked

  • Your PPMP data has been exported, uploaded to your chosen online storage, and a share link given to the Cliniko team

  • Completed the secure form to give us your API key and Cliniko URL (see instructions), and the answers to your ‘How do you use PPMP’ questions (see questions)

On the Cliniko side of things:

  • [Required] Practitioners have been created, both active and inactive (see guide)

  • [Strongly recommended] All administrator user accounts have mobile numbers

  • [Required] Business locations have been created, both active and inactive (see guide)

  • [Required] You have added a payment method to your Cliniko subscription, to lift the file upload limitation (see guide)

After transfer, these items will need attending to:

  • Ensure all required appointments types are created (see guide)

  • Set practitioners as providers of appointment types (see guide)

  • Create treatment note templates (see guide)

  • Create letter templates (see guide)

  • Create billable items (see guide)

  • Relate billable items to appointment types (see guide)

  • Relate treatment note templates to appointment types (see guide)

We know that transferring from another system is a big deal, and we want to help make the process as easy as possible for you. If you have any questions on anything at all, please reach out to us. We're always available to help!

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