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Add an administrative user

Receptionists, accountants, other front desk staff—let them each log into Cliniko!

Emily avatar
Written by Emily
Updated over a week ago

Adding admin staff to Cliniko is easy to do, and also completely free! We only charge for practitioners on the calendar, so you can add and remove admin staff as you need to.

Add an administrative user to your Cliniko account

Head to Settings, and then Users & practitioners:

Click the Add user button:

Enter the user's personal details (first name, last name, and email address are required!):

We recommend adding a mobile number for this user if possible! This makes it easier to ensure that all their contact details are up-to-date.

You will need to do two things:

  • Select their security role.

  • Select No under Is this user a practitioner?

The security roles vary in what a user can and cannot do. You can read more about what each role consists of here.

Click the Create user button. There's one final step—you'll need to verify your password:

The reason you're asking to verify your password before adding a new user is to ensure that you are, indeed, you—and that you have the permissions to add this new user! (Note that only those with the administrator role can add new users.)

Once you've done that, an email will be sent to the new administrative user! 🙌The email will tell them that they've been invited to Cliniko by you, and will tell them where to log in and prompt them to create a password.

Resend administrative user invitation

To quickly resend the invitation email to your new user, head to Settings, and then Users & practitioners:

From here, select the name of the administrative user and click Resend invitation email at the top of their details:

Image 2022-02-11 at 2.14.20 PM

Within a few minutes we'll send another invitation email to the email address on file:

Image 2022-02-11 at 2.21.27 PM

Have the administrative user also check their spam and junk folders if the email does not appear in their inbox initially.

An "administrative user" would be anyone who is not a practitioner—such as someone on your reception team, who manages appointments and paperwork, but doesn't actually treat patients.

If you need to add another practitioner, head over here to learn how!

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