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Add a practitioner

Add additional practitioners to your Cliniko account.

Emily avatar
Written by Emily
Updated over a week ago

Is your clinic growing, and you're bringing on some additional practitioners? Firstly, congratulations! 🎉Secondly, let's get them added to your Cliniko account so that appointments can be booked under their name, they can log in and write treatment notes, and more.

Add a practitioner to your Cliniko account

Head to Settings, and then Users & practitioners:

Click the Add user button:

Enter the new practitioner's personal details (first name, last name, and email address are required!):

We recommend adding a mobile number for this user if possible! This makes it easier to ensure that all their contact details are up-to-date.

You will need to do two things:

  • Select their security role to be Practitioner.

  • Select Yes under Is this user a practitioner?

The security roles vary in what a user can and cannot do. You can read more about what each role consists of here.

Click the Create user button. There's one final step—you'll need to verify your password:

Then click the Create user button, and an email will be sent to this new practitioner! 🙌The email will tell them that they've been invited to Cliniko by you, and will tell them where to log in and prompt them to create a password.

You don't need to set up the schedule or other practitioner details during this initial setup, although you can do this if you'd like. The new practitioner can log in and set that up themselves, or you can come back at a later date to modify the details!

Resend practitioner user invitation

To quickly resend the invitation email to your new practitioner, head to Settings, and then Users & practitioners:

From here, select the name of the practitioner and click Resend invitation email at the very top of their details:

Image 2022-02-11 at 2.14.20 PM

Within a few minutes we'll send another invitation email to the practitioner's email address on file:

Image 2022-02-11 at 2.21.27 PM

Have the practitioner also check their spam and junk folders if the email does not appear in their inbox initially.

A "practitioner" would be someone who sees patients, and additional practitioners may impact the fee you pay to use Cliniko. If you're having trouble adding a new practitioner, you may need to upgrade your plan to accommodate for them. Head over here to learn how to do that!

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