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Importing OSC Procedure Codes

How to import Ontario Society of Chiropodists (OSC) procedure codes into your Cliniko account.

Jason Goncalves avatar
Written by Jason Goncalves
Updated over a week ago

The Ontario Society of Chiropodists (OSC) would like to standardize the item codes that are being submitted on patient’s invoices. These codes are found in the fee guide provided by the OSC. While there isn’t a turn-key way to do this in Cliniko, we have created a couple of templates to import, and you will find some instructions on how to get this imported into your account!

We have two CSV (Comma Separated Values) files that will allow you to import the items into your Cliniko account as billable items and products.

Setting up the OSC Procedure Code CSV

There are a couple things that will need to happen before importing these OSC CSV files:

  1. You must set the Price for each Service or Product that you offer.

    1. As the OSC gives ranges for each one of these services, you will need to open each CSV file in a spreadsheet tool (Excel, Google Sheet, Numbers, etc.), and add in the prices for each item.

    2. If the product or service is not something that you plan to offer, you can delete the entire row.

  2. Set up taxes in your Cliniko account.

    1. If any of the services or products you offer need to have taxes on them, you will need to set those up first.

    2. In the CSV file, you will see two columns referring to taxes; Tax Name & Tax Amount. You will need to fill those in to match what you have set up in Cliniko. (ie. Tax Name: HST & Tax Amount: 13)

  3. Adding costs to products.

    1. Some products cost a clinic to acquire them (ie. products that you would sell). You can add those costs to the column “Cost Price”.

    2. This is not something that is available for billable items.

  4. Confirm the Item Types for billable items.

    1. In Cliniko, there are two item types; Service & Other. We have added these in the CSV file, but we ask that you confirm that they are listed correctly.

There are other fields in the CSVs that are not required, but they may make things a bit easier for your clinic to get going. Things like the product supplier, stock levels, and serial numbers! You can find details about those below!

Importing the Billable items CSV into Cliniko

Once you have completed the steps above, you are ready to import your billable items file into Cliniko! We have a great article on how to do this, so if you're not too comfortable with this step quite yet, head there first before continuing on!

Once you have completed that step, you can review the billable items by heading to Settings → Billable items.

Importing the Products CSV into Cliniko

We have a really in-depth article here that explains how you will import products into Cliniko. The process is very much same as billable items, but there are a few more fields that are available.

Those fields are:

  • Item code: the item code for the product (if applicable).

  • Name: the name of the product.

  • Price (inc. tax): the number that you put here is the amount that your patient will pay. The "inc. tax" part simply determines whether that amount will be tax-inclusive or not.

  • Cost price: this is the amount that you paid for this item.

  • Product supplier: the vendor/company you purchased this product from.

  • Taxable: if the product's sale price has tax, put the "type" of tax here (i.e. GST).

  • Stock level: how many of this item do you have on hand?

  • Notes: any general notes you might want to add about this produc.

  • Serial number: the serial number for this product (if applicable).

Deleting imported CSVs

Once you have finished the import, you can take a look at your billable items and products in Cliniko, to make sure that everything looks correct! You can check out the billable items by going to Settings → Billable items, and to see which products you imported, head to Products from the left-hand menu. If there are minor issues, you can edit those in each billable item or product. If you would like to delete the entire import, you can do that for up to 48 hours after you’ve imported it.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Cliniko support by heading to Help → Chat with us in the sidebar of your Cliniko account! Alternatively, can also email with any questions!

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