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Process claims for Department of Veterans' Affairs

DVA claiming via Cliniko

Martina avatar
Written by Martina
Updated over 8 months ago

If you've been processing Medicare bulk bills through our Tyro Health (formerly Medipass) integration, you'll have a head start with DVA claiming—it's almost exactly the same process. We'll walk you through the steps below!

Here's what we'll be covering:

Process a DVA claim

In order to do this, you'll need to have your Cliniko account integrated with Tyro Health. Learn how to do that here.

To process a DVA claim, create the patient's invoice as you normally would. After creating it, you'll see that you have the option to create a DVA claim (below the payment summary):

In order to proceed, you'll need to hit that Claim link next to the Department of Veterans' Affairs logo. From there, you'll be able to enter claim details (note that if these details already exist in Cliniko, they'll be populated automatically—but you can manually enter/modify anything).

When you have all the details included, hit the Submit claim button, and that's it—there is no need for you to enter a payment at this point, because the invoice is now awaiting DVA's approval on this claim.

Understanding the DVA claim form

As you'll see, this is a little more intensive than simply processing a regular payment in Cliniko. When you start the process for a DVA claim, you'll have to ensure that the claim form is being filled out properly!

Patient details

This is where you'll input the patient's details:

While you can enter the patient's DVA details on the claim form itself, you'll need to do this each time—unless you enter the DVA details into the patient file!

If you edit a patient's details, you'll be able to enter the DVA number in the General information section:

This will allow these numbers to automatically be pulled into the claim form, meaning you don't need to enter them each time you process a claim for this patient.

Recording a payment from a DVA claim

When a claim is approved by DVA, this will "talk" to Cliniko—meaning that the invoice is basically told, "Hey, this is all good! Claim's approved. 👍"

You'll see that the claim status says Paid under the DVA section of the invoice:

Now, once that claim is approved, the big question is how does the payment get recorded?

If you've set up a DVA payment allocation in your Tyro Health settings, the payment will be automatically allocated to the invoice when the claim is approved. 🎉 You won't have to do anything except check the invoice to make sure all looks good!

If you're not sure whether you have a DVA payment allocation set up, head to Settings → Integrations and take a look at the Tyro Health section. Your DVA section should look like this:

It's not required to select a DVA payment allocation, but if you prefer things to be automated, you might want to consider it! If you don't select a DVA payment allocation, you'll have to manually record DVA payments as they come through.

If you want the DVA payment allocation to say "DVA", you'll have to add it as a new payment type in your account settings first.

Now, when a claim is approved/paid, you'll be able to view the payment as you would any normal payment—you can view the invoice's related payment, and see the details:

If you don't have a DVA payment type allocation set up, you'll have to record the payment manually, as you would any other invoice.

Now, while the above walks you through everything from the Cliniko side of things, you may have some questions about your setup in Tyro Health. You can view the Tyro Health support documentation here!

Tyro Health offers some different plans; you'll want to ensure that you're signed up for a plan that allows for DVA claiming. Head here to learn more about the different plans that Tyro Health offers.

We can certainly help out with any questions you have about Cliniko and DVA, though. 😊 We are easiest reached from within Cliniko by clicking Help on the blue sidebar, and clicking Chat with us!

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