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Find draft treatment notes
Find draft treatment notes

Find a log of treatment notes based on "draft" or "final" status.

Emily avatar
Written by Emily
Updated over a year ago

If you're looking to see which treatment notes might not be saved as "final" yet, you're able to get a list of the status of each note in your account! 

Generate treatment note completion report

In order to generate a report of draft treatment notes, head to the Reports tab, and then select Treatment note completion (under Appointments):

A screenshot of the main Reports page, highlighing the Treatment note completion report, which can be found under the Appointments section.

At the top of the treatment note completion report, you'll now be able to select the date range, practitioner, and business:

The top area of the treatment note completion report, where you can select from date range, practitioner, and business.

Once you've selected your parameters, press the Create report button.

At the top, you'll see a summary of your treatment notes:

Users with an Administrator role will see an overall percentage of completed notes for all practitioners and businesses. While Practitioners will only be able to see a list of their own appointments and notes.

Below the summary, you'll also see a list of appointments that don't have a final note, which can mean there is no note at all, or just a draft:

For the appointments that don't have a final note, you can select "Edit draft" or "Create note" to work on a note for that given appointment!

Alternatively, if you need to further filter this list to notes currently in draft form only (and still need to be completed), the treatment notes data export could also be handy.

Export draft treatment notes

This function requires a data export, and will only be available to administrators.

Head to Settings, and then Data exports:

Select "All treatment notes" as the data to export (or you can select specific notes based on their template), set your date ranges, and press that Export data button:

Depending on how much data is in your export, it might take a few minutes to generate! You don't need to stay on this page while you waityou can navigate to somewhere else, and then come back here.

Once your file is ready, click the Download button:

The file will download to your computer, and from there, you can open it up in any spreadsheet-reading program on your computer and check out column F, which is "Draft":

If it says "Yes" under column F, it means the note is still in "draft" status. You can also see which patient, appointment, and practitioner that note is related to, and can filter your data further, if needed!

There are a lot of other nifty patient-related reports you can grab, as well—such as who has cancelled or missed their appointment, who has credit on their account,  and even who doesn't have anything booked in the future. Check out the full range of reporting options here! 📊

🚨 IMPORTANT: If you plan to filter your results in a spreadsheet tool (such as Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets, etc.), make sure to delete the filtered rows if you're providing the file to someone else. Filtering by itself does not delete any information—it simply hides it from the current view.

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