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Understanding the practitioner performance report
Understanding the practitioner performance report

The practitioner performance report provides you with helpful metrics to see how your practitioners are doing. Learn how it works!

Emily avatar
Written by Emily
Updated over 7 months ago

The practitioner performance report provides information that will help you track how your practitioners are doing—it provides data points such as average revenue, number of "Did not arrives", and rebook rates, among more!

The performance report will look like this:

You'll have a main summary that shows you all data for all practitioners across the board, but you can also drill further into it by looking at individual practitioner performance graphs further down the page.

You'll also notice that there are three tabs on the report: individual appointments, group appointments, and revenue:

The performance report will default to the individual appointments view, but you can toggle between each tab to see the corresponding data.

Below, we'll walk you through how things are broken down within each of these tabs, and what the information means. Use the links below to skip ahead to each section if you'd like:

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Individual appointments

The different types of data for individual appointments are each defined (and calculated) in different ways, and it can sometimes be hard to understand what you're seeing. Below, we'll outline what each column means—to get started, here's a very quick summary (note that the numbers you see are always going to be based on the time frame you run the report for):

  • Revenue: the total revenue from invoices (paid and open) that are linked to appointments.

  • Appointments: the total number of appointments that were attended.

  • Average revenue: the average amount of revenue brought in, based on the total revenue from invoiced appointments.

  • Did not arrives: the total number of appointments that were marked as "Did not arrive".

  • New patients: the total number of patients who had their very first appointment.

  • PVA (Patient Visit Average): the number of new patients per booking that attended the appointment and did not cancel or no-show.

  • Without upcoming: the number of patients who had appointments during the report's time period, but who do not have anything booked in the future.

  • Rebook rate: the percentage of appointments booked during the report's time period that also have something booked in the future.

  • Cancellations: the total number of appointments marked as "cancelled".

The information on the performance report will be based on the dates you run the report for—and will also be dependent on how you handle certain things, like properly linking invoices to appointments, marking appointments as "attended" or not, and more.

For Appointments, Did not arrives, New patients, and Cancellations, the percentages shown in the report will be reflective of all appointments that fall within the chosen date ranges.

Read on for a more in-depth breakdown of what each component of the individual appointment tab of the practitioner performance report means.


The number you see here will be the total revenue from invoices (both paid and outstanding) that are linked to appointments. This means that in order for the revenue to count, the invoice needs to be marked as "paid" or "open" on the actual appointment, like this:

And were you to look at the actual invoice, it would have an "appointment date" on showing up at the top, like this:

If the invoice isn't "linked" to the appointment like this, revenue will not count towards what shows up on the performance report. It's imperative that all invoices be correctly linked to the appointment in order to be included in the total revenue, regardless of whether or not they are paid or still outstanding.


This number comes from the total number of appointments that were considered to be "attended" during the report's time frame. "Attended" is counted by either marking the appointment as "arrived", as indicated below:

Or simply leaving it blank (i.e. not marking it as "arrived"). We do recommend marking appointments as "arrived", though, as this will overall make for more accurate reporting in other places.

Average revenue

This is—you guessed it—the average revenue earned for each appointment. It looks at the invoices associated with all attended appointments included in the report and averages them out, so you can get an idea of how much this practitioner is earning per appointment.

Did not arrives

These are appointments that are explicitly marked as "did not arrive", like this:

If a patient doesn't show up, the only way to ensure that the appointment shows up in the performance report will be to mark it as "did not arrive". Simply leaving it on the calendar with no "status" (i.e. not marked as "arrived", but not marked as "did not arrive") will mean it counts towards attended appointments. Similarly, if someone doesn't show up and you archive the appointment instead of marking it as "did not arrive", it will be like the appointment never existed, and therefore won't be attributed to any reports. Always mark the appointment as "did not arrive" if someone doesn't show up.

New patients

This number is based on the total number of patients who have had their first-ever appointment during the report's time frame. This means that even if someone was added to Cliniko two months ago, but did not have their first appointment until now (and the report you're running is for this week), they will be considered a "new patient". (Note that this is the opposite as what you would see in the new patients marketing report, which counts patients who were added to Cliniko during the report's timeframe—that report doesn't care about when their first appointment is.)

PVA (Patient Visit Average)

This is the number of new patients per booking that attended an appointment and did not cancel or no-show.

A lower number means that a practitioner is seeing more new patients per appointment, and a higher number means that a practitioner is not seeing as many new patients per appointment. Whether you're looking for a high or low number would depend on your business needs—the PVA simply gives you that number!

The way that Cliniko calculates this number might be a little different than how the term "PVA" is used in your clinic, so we'll explain how it's calcuated!

The PVA is created by taking the number from the appointments column in the summary table (or the attendees column if you're viewing group appointments), and dividing that by the number in the new patients column. Here's an example of that summary table for reference:

Let’s say a practitioner has 40 appointments where patients showed up, 10 appointments where the patients cancelled, and 5 appointments marked as "did not arrive":

  • This would be 55 bookings in total, but only 40 of those will contribute to the PVA calculation, because only 40 patients came to their appointment.

  • Based on the 40 attended appointments, if 10 of those patients are new (which would show under the new patients column), then the PVA for this practitioner would be 4.

  • A lower number means that a practitioner is seeing more new patients per appointment.

  • A higher number means that a practitioner is not seeing as many new patients per appointment.

As mentioned, whether you’re looking for a high or low number would depend on the aims in your business!

If your account's terminology is set to "client", you'll see this as CVA (Client Visit Average) in this report.

Without upcoming

The number you see here is based on the total number of patients who have an appointment during this report's time frame, but aren't booked for anything in the future. This could be due to the fact that they don't necessarily need to book another appointment because they're feeling better, or they've forgotten to book again, or something else. In either case, the number in this column simply indicates how many patients included in this report don't have anything on the books for the future.

Rebook rate

This is the percentage of bookings that have a future booking during or after the report’s time frame. It looks specifically at the total number of all bookings (though it won’t include cancelled and DNA appointments), and then it subtracts the total number of patients that had an appointment in that period, without upcoming appointments, finally dividing that by the total number of bookings.

For example, let’s say you have 10 patients seen in that period with 2 bookings each (so, 20 total appointments) in the report’s time period, and five of them have no other appointments booked after the reporting period’s end. That gives you a 75% rebook rate.


This is the total number of cancelled appointments that were due to occur during this report's time period. You will have to mark the appointment as cancelled in order to ensure it counts towards this number; simply archiving it won't achieve proper "cancellation" status. We always recommend using the "cancel" feature, anyways, as this will ensure that the appointment shows up in the missed appointments report.

Group appointments

The data you'll find under the group appointments tab very similar to that of individual appointments (please go here for a complete list), but it focuses on counting "attendees" (patients that have booked in/attended a group appointment) rather than "individual appointments" (since a group appointment has multiple people that will be attending).

It still has the appointments column (which has the same definition as the appointments column for the individual appointments—the total number of appointments that were attended during the report's time frame), but there's also a unique column called attendees:

This is defined as the number of attendees (patients) who showed up for those appointments. It functions in the same way the appointments column works in the individual appointments tab.


The revenue tab has three columns: revenue, total appointments, and service hours. Revenue shows the sum of all invoices associated with that practitioner, whether or not they also have an associated appointment. Total appointments is the total number of individual and group appointments the practitioner had scheduled during the report's time frame, but does not include cancellations or DNA. Service hours are defined by the number of hours a practitioner actually sees patients. Below is an example:

In this case, the practitioner at the top of the list had 21 appointments that were attended by patients, and they saw patients for a total of 15.60 hours. We can't know, from this number, if any appointments were cancelled or marked as DNA—we'd need to look at the details in the other tabs for that.

For a more in-depth look at service hours, head over here!

If you have any questions about how the practitioner peformance works, please do let us know! Our support team can be reached via the "chat" icon in the lower-right corner of your screen.

You can also learn more about other reporting functions within Cliniko here.

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