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Archive or delete a patient

Archive or permanently delete a patient.

Emily avatar
Written by Emily
Updated over a month ago

You can archive and delete your patients within Cliniko if you need to. If you archive a patient, they'll be hidden from reports (such as the Patients without upcoming appointments report), and you won't be able to add an appointment for them—however, their details will still remain in Cliniko. 

If you delete a patient, all of their details will be gone. Please keep all legal obligations in mind before deleting a patient from Cliniko!

In this article, we'll discuss:

Archive a patient

Select the patient you'd like to archive, and click the Archive button on their file:

You'll then see the date/time that the patient was archived, as well as the ability to make them active again:

An archived patient will show up as grey in the patient list:

If you need to review their details, just click their name—and if you need to unarchive them, click Make them active again!

Delete a patient

Only administrators can delete patients.

After a patient has been archived, they can be deleted. 

Deleting a patient will also delete all of their associated records, such as treatment notes. Please keep all legal obligations in mind before deleting a patient!

Find the patient you wish to delete, and click the Delete button:

A "warning message" will pop up, which is a last step in safeguarding this process, in case the delete button was pressed in error. You will need to type the patient's full name into the text field in order to activate the Delete button:

Once you've typed their name in, the Delete button will "turn on":

As soon as you press that button, the patient and all of their records will be permanently deleted from Cliniko.

If you're integrated with Mailchimp or Xero, this patient's details will need to be removed from those programs as well. Deleting the patient in Cliniko will not automatically remove their details from those programs.

You cannot reverse a deletion once it's happened, so delete at your own risk!

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