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Add company ownership details

Add your business and tax info to establish ownership of your Cliniko account.

Martina avatar
Written by Martina
Updated over a week ago

Cliniko is required to collect certain information about your business for tax, email, and SMS compliance, so that we can continue providing services on your behalf. This account ownership info also helps us avoid potential disruption to your account should you ever find yourself in an ownership dispute.

It's important to keep the account ownership page up-to-date if any of your ownership details change, such as when transferring the account to a new entity.

New or returning Cliniko users

If you're new to Cliniko, or reactivating a cancelled subscription, you'll notice that you can't add your credit card details without first adding ownership info. Only a user marked as the owner of the account will be able to access this page—if that's not you, you'll see a notice in Settings → Our clinic → Cliniko subscription that tells you who it is.

If the person named as the account owner in Cliniko is not who it should be, please see our guide about managing account owners for the steps to resolve it.

Filling out your company and tax info

If you're the person marked as the owner of the account (or an administrator of an account that does not have an owner), you'll have access to Settings → Our clinic → Account ownership.

In the General information section, you can add your company/entity name, registered address, and tax details. The country will default to what you've set up in Settings → Our clinic → General settings, but can be changed.

All fields are mandatory except for address line 2, and the tax fields. However, if you have selected a tax type, the Tax ID field will be required.

Adding a contact person

In the Contact details section, please add the person we should contact about any ownership-related issues. The most appropriate person may be the owner or director of the company. This is required even if the person's information already exists elsewhere in the account, such as in General settings, or as a user of the account.

All fields except Title are mandatory.

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