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Add a letterhead to your documents

How to upload your custom letterhead to your letters and other docs.

Rachel Harkness avatar
Written by Rachel Harkness
Updated over a year ago

Within Cliniko, you can display your logo on various documents. These include invoices, account statements, payments, treatment notes, patient forms, and letters.

However, if you prefer to display your business' letterhead instead of your logo, this guide will walk you through the process.

Screenshot of an example letter to a patient with a letterhead at the top

At this time, there isn't a way to upload a separate logo and a letterhead for your documents.

Prepare your letterhead

Before you upload, you'll want to make sure you have a separate image file for your letterhead.

Moon podiatry letterhead with logo on the left and address details on the right.

The example letterhead is 2048 x 361px, but your letterhead may have different dimensions. Please ensure that your letterhead image is no larger than 2048 x 2048px, and we accept PNG, JPG, JPEG, and GIF file types.

If you don't have a letterhead generated you can consult with your graphic designer, or create one using an image editing program.

We've also prepared a template in Canva that you're welcome to use to get started:

You'll want to save your letterhead somewhere on your device that you can easily access for the next step. Of course, if you have multiple businesses, make sure to prepare separate letterheads for each location.

Upload letterhead

Once you've prepared your letterhead file(s), we will upload the image to either your separate business locations or set-up the letterhead as a default logo.

While you're encouraged to customize letterheads for each business, it's not mandatory! You can set a "default logo" that will be used on all your PDF documents unless you have uploaded a specific letterhead for a particular business location. In order to upload a default letterhead instead of assigning it individually, simply proceed to this step.

We can begin uploading by heading to Settings, and then Business information:

Screenshot of the settings page with business information highlighted.

Choose the business you want to add a letterhead for, and select the Edit information button:

Screenshot of the business information page

On the next page, scroll down to the very bottom. You will be able to choose your letterhead file to upload:

Screenshot of the business information settings. Logo image settings is highlighted.

If you don't choose a file, the default logo that's set up in your "Documents & printing" settings will be used instead.

From here, you'll want to adjust your letterhead's Logo height:

Screenshot of business information page with the logo height settings highlighted.

Depending on your photo size, we recommend around 100-120 points but keep in mind you may need to adjust and experiment with this setting for your specific letterhead.

Once you've uploaded the letterhead file, press the Update business button. This will bring you back to the main "business information" page. You can view the uploaded letterhead by pressing the Edit information button again. The new letterhead will be displayed towards the bottom of the business settings:

Screenshot of business information page with the letterhead and logo heigh settings displayed.

Repeat this process for any business locations and you're all set. Now for the next step—getting it to display on your documents!

Display letterhead on documents

Now that we've added your letterheads to your business locations, we will update the document settings so the letterhead displays properly.

Head to Settings, and then Documents & printing:

Settings page with documents and printing highlighted

If you want to set-up a default letterhead, you can upload one here by selecting the Choose file button:

Documents and printing page with logo settings.

If you have a letterhead uploaded via Settings → Business information we will use the business logo instead of the default logo.

Select your letterhead and adjust the logo height. Keep in mind, you won't see the letterhead right away—first, click the Save document settings button at the bottom of the page:

Screenshot of the save document settings and cancel button.

Head back into your Documents & printing settings, and you will now see that your letterhead has been uploaded:

Documents and printing page with example logo uploaded.

Now that your letterhead is uploaded into Cliniko, you can display it on each of your documents.

On the Documents & printing settings, tick the box under Display logo for invoices, account statements, letters, treatment notes, and patient forms:

Documents and printing page with display logo setting highligted.

Keep in mind, there will be a few other things to think about in these settings, as well!

  • Space underneath logo: how much "white space" will be between the letterhead and the first line of text on the letter.

  • Top margin: how much space will be between the top of your letterhead and the top of the paper.

  • Bottom margin: how much space will be at the very bottom of the letter, between the last line of text and the bottom of the paper.

  • Left and right margins: how much space will be between your text and the sides of the paper.

Once you've adjusted all your settings, be sure to save your document settings.

How the letterhead looks to patients

Now that you've uploaded your letterhead and changed your settings, you're all set 🙌! Patients will now see the letterhead on any of the documents you've enabled via Settings → Documents & printing.

Example letterhead on invoices and account statements

When you send off any invoices and account statements to patients or 3rd parties, the letterhead will appear when you email or print.

Screenshot of example invoice with letterhead added.

Example letterhead on treatment notes

The letterhead for treatment notes will only appear when you print (or if you save the treatment note as a PDF and print it out).

Screenshot of example treatment note with letterhead added.

Example letterhead on letters

When sending letters, the letterhead will only appear when you email PDF letters to your patients (or if you save the letter as a PDF and print it out). If you have individual letterheads for each business, make sure to include a business placeholder somewhere in your letter templates in order for the appropriate letterhead to appear.

Screenshot of an example logo uploaded to online booking settings.

Example letterhead on patient forms

If you're sending forms to patients directly from Cliniko, the logo will actually be "pulled" from Settings → Online booking:

This is a separate logo from your documents & printing and business information settings. The logo added to your online bookings settings will show up on patient forms that are sent and accessed via a secure link:

Screenshot of example online patient form.

However, if you print or email the forms as PDFs we will instead display the letterhead you've uploaded via Settings → Documents & printing or Settings → Business information.

If you have any additional questions about uploading or creating letterheads for your account, reach out to our team!

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